Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cauliflower Fritters

I made these a few nights ago, but am just now finding the time / words to write about them. They were very easy, and I have a bunch of cauliflower that needs to be used. I say this in the present tense because I still have two more that I need to do something with- maybe tomorrow, we will see. Anyway, this recipe made quite a lot, so I froze most of them and put them in a bag, kind of like little cauliflower veggie burger thingies. I think they would be particularly good toasted up in the toaster oven with some cheese and put in a sandwich or a wrap. I found this recipe on allrecipes.com. Between there and pinterest is where I find most of my recipes or inspiration. And again, I will post a link to the recipe at the end.

The recipe calls for 6 cups of cauliflower, which turned out to be one whole medium sized cauliflower. To tell you the truth I was hoping it would be more but what can you do. I like to follow a recipe as close as possible the first time I make it and then alter it from there. For example, next time I make this I would add more heat. Maybe some red pepper flakes or something along those lines.

So you take the six cups of cauliflower and run it through  the food processor, depending on the size of your food processor I would do it in batches. As I am at my cousin's house and she has a fairly large one, it did about three cups at a time, however, at my house I have a small one that could probably do a half a cup to a cup at a time. you want it to look kinda like cornmeal, so we will call this cauli-meal. Next, you sift 1/2 cup of flour and a tsp of baking powder. Now the recipe calls for a packet of Italian Dressing Mix. I however had already run to the store for baking powder and did not care to go back for this when I just made my own concoction.

I used mostly the garlic and herb seasoning- maybe 1/4 cup ish, and about 2 tsp of basil, thyme, and pepper. Then about a tsp of the celery flakes, and a dash of salt.

And there ya go- Italiany mix. Close enough anyway. Well add this to the cauli-meal mix along with three eggs and mix it up good. I wouldn't bother with a spoon, just wash your hands real good and go at it. Anyway when it's all mixed it should look like this-

Again, I would add more heat and maybe some minced garlic in with the herbs, but that's me.  Next, take some olive oil and just cover the bottom of a pan, about 1/2 cup ish, and then the recipe says to "drop heaping tablespoons into the oil, and fry until golden brown, about 3 mins on each side." I wanted them to be more like patties, so I rolled them into balls and squished them down, I found they stayed together better when I rolled them by hand and flattened them before putting them in the pan. However next time, I would try baking them in the toaster oven instead of frying them.

The finished product
Overall, these were good and super easy. Carson had fun playing on the floor with Bear by his side.

Here is the promised link to the original recipe

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