Sunday, February 6, 2011

Laptop bag turned purse

 I was trying to make another laptop bag from my last post, however my measurements were slightly off and so ended up being to small for my netbook. Also, this time I didn't use the tutorial, just put everything together while the boys were watching the superbowl- I'm really not a football fan, but I turned my boredom into productivity. I think I like this bag better than my last one, I just need to figure out what kind of a strap I want to put on there. Any ideas? well here's the pictures

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Patchwork Laptop Bag

This is the tutorial I used, and altered,it came out pretty cool if i say so myself. :)

before putting it together, just the quilt part

the top part of the quilt part

The finished project

Friday, February 4, 2011

Reversible Beach Bag

I used this template

I used a light weight polyester, one in a print and one in black. I really liked this tutorial, it was very easy and only took about 6 hours- it would have been less if a had a table and a cutter like my mom has. As it is, i "roughed it" on the floor with a pair of scissors. the extra work was worth it, and the bag turned out super cute, and the perfect size for everything from going to school to the gym.